We are now offering RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation) as a cutting edge treatment for thyroid nodules. This brand new RFA technique is a non-surgical option for appropriate patients to avoid a thyroid surgery and anesthesia. RFA shrinks thyroid nodules and saves thyroid function. The RFA procedure is performed under local anesthesia with minimal discomfort.
Benefits include:
preservation of thyroid function
avoids thyroid surgery
no neck scar
no need for general anesthesia
typically easier recovery and faster return to normal activities
Watch the video above or call our office for an appointment to learn more about Radiofrequency Ablation!
Dr. Brady was amazing. I was very nervous about having to do the RFA (radiofrequency ablation) procedure. If you are a bit unsure yourself make sure you go see Dr. Brady, she will go over everything to insure you are well informed and have all the information needed. The RFA procedure went super smooth and recovery is quick, I have so much energy now and I was so happy to see the shrinkage. I 1000% recommend Dr. Brady. Go see her today!
— Nadina L.
Recently, Dr. Brady performed RFA (radiofrequency ablation), a procedure to remove a nodule from my thyroid. Her pleasant bedside manner and professional staff answered any questions I had and put any concerns to rest. I didn’t really know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised that it was the easiest and literally a painless procedure. I walked out of there wondering, “was that it?” I was even offered a piece of birthday cake right after the procedure and didn’t have any problem (at all) eating it!!
It is normal to feel anxious about a procedure you know nothing about but rest assured this was the best option for me when faced with the choice of having my thyroid removed or just having the nodule removed. We are currently watching the progress of how effective the procedure was and have received positive reports. Happy to chat with anyone curious about the overall patient viewpoint.
— Terry E.
My PCP found a thyroid nodule during a routine physical. She sent me to an endocrinologist who sent me for an ultrasound, where they found two nodules. The biopsy came back negative, but it was discovered on follow-up that they had performed the biopsy on the less suspicious nodule accidently. A nurse in the office then nonchalantly told me that I could consider a second opinion and perhaps I might want to see Dr. Brady. I was able to see Dr. Brady much sooner than I anticipated, which was wonderful. After she examined me, she did another ultrasound and biopsy on the spot. Both nodules had grown, so I was very surprised when Dr. Brady called to tell me they were negative. One of the nodules was starting to interfere with my ability to swallow and I was having issues with my voice.
I was given the option of having surgery or RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation). After Dr. Brady explained RFA and I read the booklet, I opted for that option. It was done right in the office and Dr. Sabra was there to offer suggestions as Dr. Brady expertly performed the procedure on both of the nodules. The discomfort was not any worse than a biopsy and lasted less than 15 minutes. I took an analgesic once or twice later that day. After that, I truly did not have any discomfort. At my follow-up visit less than a month later, the ultrasound showed that both nodules had shrunk dramatically. I am so excited and happy with the results. I cannot more strongly recommend RFA and Dr. Brady. Everyone in the office is amazing – the best staff I’ve ever encountered and I’ve seen quite a few in my 40+ year career as a nurse.
—Kathy S.